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Vitamin B12, you need it in your diet if you want to avoid the major deficiency symptoms!
Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients needed by our body. It plays a critical role and can affect every cell of our body. It is often known as the “energy vitamin” because most of the vitamin B12 benefits are heavily related to production of serotonin in the brain which is very important for positivity. Depressed individuals often have low levels of serotonin. Unfortunately, even though we need it to survive and stay healthy, the body does not produce it naturally. It is only produced by a certain bacteria found in animals.
Strict vegetarians sometimes have problems getting the correct amount of vitamin B12 that they need simply because they do not eat meat and seafood. There are some capsules and supplements that are available or can be prescribed by doctors if people feel that they are lacking it in their diet and are possibly being affected by vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms. Vegetarians usually have to rely on other food products like wheat and cereal if they do not take supplements but these foods are not really enough to give them the amount of Vitamin B12 that they need
Also, people do not usually realize that they are deficient in Vitamin B12 unless they are thoroughly checked by their doctors. This doesn’t mean though that there are no ] symptoms. There are symptoms but these are often mistaken for something else since they look like very general symptoms that could be caused by many other things. For instance, some of the earliest symptoms that can manifest themselves are the following: loss of appetite, nausea, digestive problems and fatigue. These symptoms might be mistaken to be indications of a simple fever or stress.
If you are a strict vegetarian, you should probably consult with your doctor immediately. There are also other people who are considered to be more “at risk” than others. These people are those who are over 50 years of age, heavy drinkers, AIDS patients and pregnant women. If you fall under any of these, it is recommended that you get yourself checked for Vitamin B12 deficiency.
The symptoms mentioned above seem harmless enough but then other symptoms will manifest over time if the condition is not detected early. Some of these symptoms are infertility, other sexual problems, hyperactive reflexes, nervousness and numbness.
Later on, if the deficiency is not noticed, the symptoms will become even more severe. These symptoms can include memory loss and depression. One of the most severe neurological conditions that might develop due to Vitamin B12 deficiency is subacute combined degeneration. If this disorder is not detected early, this will lead to irreversible damage to a person’s life.
Caleb "Muscles" Anthony says
I didn’t realise the link between B12 and positivity. A postive outlook can be a huge factor in fitness, a positive person is driven to eat healthy, exercise, and achieve, whereas a negative attitude can result in a “why bother” attitude. So a little Vitamin B12 boost could change your progress massively, since it can act as something of a ‘kick start’ to a chain reaction of positive effects… Thanks for giving me my ‘one thing’ you learn every day….Cheers!
b12deficiencysymptoms says
Symptoms of B12 deficiency include insufficient equilibrium, forgetfulness, and cognitive decline and, according to a study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), may be linked to osteoporosis. Symptoms of severe vitamin B12 deficiency (regardless of the cause) may include burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, intermittent constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, menstrual symptoms, psychological symptoms, and nervous system problems, such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, including sensory neuropathy, myelopathy, and encephalopathy, can occur within days or weeks of exposure to nitrous oxide anesthesia in people with sub-clinical vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vit B12 says
The first signs of B12 deficiency are tiredness, depression, irritability and problems with memory. These can occur with levels of B12 that are only slightly lower than normal.
Susan C. Earles says
“Vitamin B12 is one of the most important nutrients needed by our body. It plays a critical role and can affect every cell of our body. It is often known as the “energy vitamin” because most of the vitamin B12 benefits are heavily related to production of serotonin in the brain which is very important for positivity. Depressed individuals often have low levels of serotonin. Unfortunately, even though we need it to survive and stay healthy, the body does not produce it naturally. It is only produced by a certain bacteria found in animals.”
Yes, that’s why most vegetarians are at risk with b12 deficiency co’z they are not consuming animal based meats. Vitamin b12 normally found in animals so we must take it otherwise use supplements like this mouth spray i found over the internet