Check out the Ultimate Self Massage Guide. It details exactly how to release all the important muscles in your body with a tennis ball and foam roller. This knowledge will enable you to treat your own pain at home, get rid of your symptoms without spending money on a therapist, and move and feel better.
Muscle aches and joint pain that won’t go away? You seem to be constantly tight and sore? No problem, you need a little bit of trigger point self treatment. You can effectively start treating your trigger points at home with a very simple tool, the tennis ball. Sure, it is always worth while going to a practitioner and getting some professional massage and release doneā¦but how many of us can afford that on a regular basis? You can save a lot of money and start to discover and understand your body, whenever and wherever you want. Just grab a tennis ball and lets get started.
What Is A Trigger Point?
A trigger point is basically a small point in the muscle where the fibers can’t relax. You might know them as knots in the muscle. They can cause pain in the area, or they can often refer pain to another area. A lot of people have trigger points in their body and don’t even know it. A good example is a trigger point in the calf muscle. This can shoot up and cause pain in the knee. Most people will be trying to work on the knee to get rid of the pain when the actual problem is in the calf.
How To Use A Tennis Ball For Trigger Point Self Treatment Therapy
If you have a tennis ball at home, you have the perfect tool for treating trigger point problems. In my opinion, it is not as important to understand exactly where every trigger point is in the body. It will help you more to know how to work each muscle, and discover your sore points. There are some specific trigger points that cause pain, however everyones muscles are different. They will show up in similar areas, but if you learn to explore your muscles and release them with a tennis ball, you will start to learn where you trigger points are and which ones cause you the biggest problems.
You need to get down on the floor and start. I have included three pictures from my book The Ultimate Self Massage Guide, where I explain in detail how to use a tennis ball and foam roller to release your muscles. You get step by step instructions on each of the important muscles in the body, and pictures to show you exactly where you need to start working.
Remember to cover the entire muscle, every one has different sore points. Go from end to end on the muscle and stop on any points that feel extra tight, elicit pain in the area or refer pain to another area. Hold that for at least 30 seconds or until the point releases. Slowly move over the muscle and find more points.
If you persist with trigger point self treatment you will see results. You will notice that your pain starts to ease with time, and you will learn to discover and keep pain away with ease. The key is to keep going, the great thing about the tennis ball is the ability to use it whenever you want. Keep working hard and you can be pain free.
If you like this post and suffer from muscle and joint pain, then you need to check out the Ultimate Self Massage Guide. It details exactly how to release all the important muscles in your body with a tennis ball and foam roller. This knowledge will enable you to treat your own pain at home, get rid of your symptoms without spending money on a therapist, and move and feel better.