We have previously talked about the importance of have a strong and functioning serratus anterior. For those wanting more information, check out these posts that detail exactly why you need to get this muscle strong and healthy.
You will be able to understand why you need to get this muscle strong in order to have a well functioning shoulder. So many people suffer from shoulder issues of some sort, and most of them are from imbalances. The majority of us will have poor scapular control, and that is where this muscle comes into it. Here is a video detailing one really important exercise you can do to help get your serratus anterior strong and healthy. They are called serratus anterior push ups, for obvious reasons. Its basically you in a push up position, however, you dont bend your elbows. You just drop your shoulders. Check out the video and try to replicate it. After about 10 reps you will feel fatigued around your shoulder blade, this is perfect, and means you are working.
Ryan says
Great exercise, Lauren! I do this during my warm-up before weight training, along with a few rotator cuff movements to loosen up.